Thursday, July 21, 2011


Do not, I repeat, do NOT buy Lloyd's BBQ.

My man friend was craving BBQ last week, so trying to be sweet, and since I don't know how to actually make BBQ, I bought the prepared, refrigerated kind at the store this weekend. The stats weren't bad and had ingredients I could read, so I though it wouldn't hurt to try it.

It would have been great......if I was a cat.

Cory and I took one bite, looked at each other, took one more repulsive bite (trying not to offend the other; him because I'd "made it"; me because he'd requested it) and both of us said in unison "ohemgee, I can't eat this!"

The best cure for a dinner-gone-bad? Fro-Yo, please! :)
Maybe I should sabotage dinner more often. muahaha

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