Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
I don't go looking for hills, but when I come to one, I run it.
Happy Monday!! Hope your week has started off great!
Remember when I said last week that I was just going to run this weekend's Rocktoberfest Half for fun and not for time? I should know myself better than that.
When the gun went off at a blustery (read, freezing) 7:40am start time, I took off hoping to bring home a new PR. The first few miles were scary, which is normal for me. At that point, I can't quite get a "feel" for the race and there are a lot of uncertainties, insecurities and questions.
What if I can't keep up with my friends?
What if I get hurt along the way?
How will I feel?
What if something unexpected happens?
What if I can't do this????
Those brain demons tried to work their magic on my confidence, but by mile 4, we parted ways and I told them to kiss it. I think I had a smile on my face from that point until I crossed the finish line. I waved to spectators, high-fived little kids, thanked all the officers and volunteers and really tried to take in the beautiful Charlotte scenery.
When the race started, it was around 40 degrees. I wore my Nike Tempos, a short sleeve DriFit tee, and a long sleeve tee over top with cheap gloves that I threw away around mile 3. I also wore my Nathan hydration belt, which I wish I could propose marriage to...once you go Nathan, you don't go back. (...sorry for that lame attempt to be funny, it's Monday). Having the availability of water at all times is not only a confidence booster but also gave me the freedom to take water when I needed it, and not waiting for a water stop. I took a Vanilla Gu at mile 6, one Chomp at mile 10 and one Chomp at mile 12... Did I mention the last 4 miles of this race were UPhill?? It was gruesome. I was banking on those being my fastest, which was not the case.
In fact, the entire race was massively hilly. I think I ran less than one combined total mile of flat road... which may be the reason I cannot walk today. I took another ice bath last night and have been stretching/rolling my legs but they are still in pain.
The race ended up being a little long (13.22 instead of 13.1) and that extra .12 added about a minute to my time (bummer...) but overall I am very happy with how I did! According to my Garmin, I finished in 2:05:21, which is a PR of 38 seconds. I'll take it, given I have done no speed training and was planning on an easy day!
Plus I got a sweet new medal to add to my collection and a third Half under my belt. 3 Halfs ( or it is halves??) so far this year! woo hoooo! Can't wait to bring home the big medal in 3 weeks!!!! (ho-ly shit.)
Remember when I said last week that I was just going to run this weekend's Rocktoberfest Half for fun and not for time? I should know myself better than that.
What if I can't keep up with my friends?
What if I get hurt along the way?
How will I feel?
What if something unexpected happens?
What if I can't do this????
Those brain demons tried to work their magic on my confidence, but by mile 4, we parted ways and I told them to kiss it. I think I had a smile on my face from that point until I crossed the finish line. I waved to spectators, high-fived little kids, thanked all the officers and volunteers and really tried to take in the beautiful Charlotte scenery.
When the race started, it was around 40 degrees. I wore my Nike Tempos, a short sleeve DriFit tee, and a long sleeve tee over top with cheap gloves that I threw away around mile 3. I also wore my Nathan hydration belt, which I wish I could propose marriage to...once you go Nathan, you don't go back. (...sorry for that lame attempt to be funny, it's Monday). Having the availability of water at all times is not only a confidence booster but also gave me the freedom to take water when I needed it, and not waiting for a water stop. I took a Vanilla Gu at mile 6, one Chomp at mile 10 and one Chomp at mile 12... Did I mention the last 4 miles of this race were UPhill?? It was gruesome. I was banking on those being my fastest, which was not the case.
In fact, the entire race was massively hilly. I think I ran less than one combined total mile of flat road... which may be the reason I cannot walk today. I took another ice bath last night and have been stretching/rolling my legs but they are still in pain.
The race ended up being a little long (13.22 instead of 13.1) and that extra .12 added about a minute to my time (bummer...) but overall I am very happy with how I did! According to my Garmin, I finished in 2:05:21, which is a PR of 38 seconds. I'll take it, given I have done no speed training and was planning on an easy day!
![]() |
Just finished! :) Everyone did GREAT! Pat (beside me on the end) even got 2nd place in her age group!! |
Plus I got a sweet new medal to add to my collection and a third Half under my belt. 3 Halfs ( or it is halves??) so far this year! woo hoooo! Can't wait to bring home the big medal in 3 weeks!!!! (ho-ly shit.)
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Achey Breaky
Hey friends! Hope you're all having a great week so far! I have been so busy lately...between cranking out the last few weeks of marathon training, celebrating Cory's birthday and maintaining a life, I have little room for much of anything else!
I haven't had much to report on as far as training lately. We don't have another "big" push until the 29th, so we've been maintaining mileage and upping our weekday training runs a little. BUT, this weekend is very exciting. I'll be running the Rocktoberfest Half Marathon with several of my running friends. I've promised myself that I'm just going to be running this for fun. I would be crushed if I pushed too hard (which...I've been known to do) and get hurt before The Big One. Hopefully I can throw my competitive nature aside and just have fun!
Besides running, there's been a lot of this lately:
I'm now on to week 13 of training, only 3 more to go! I don't know if I'm excited to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel or scared out of my freaking mind/nauseated that it's so close. Physically, I think I'll be ready. Mentally is a different story.... (Cory can attest to that).
I haven't had much to report on as far as training lately. We don't have another "big" push until the 29th, so we've been maintaining mileage and upping our weekday training runs a little. BUT, this weekend is very exciting. I'll be running the Rocktoberfest Half Marathon with several of my running friends. I've promised myself that I'm just going to be running this for fun. I would be crushed if I pushed too hard (which...I've been known to do) and get hurt before The Big One. Hopefully I can throw my competitive nature aside and just have fun!
Besides running, there's been a lot of this lately:
Not as fun as you might think....
I'm not hurt...but you better believe I'm hurting. Small aches and pains all day long. Luckily, it's been nothing major and where it hurts one day, will be ok the next...of course there will be a new pain that day. Right now, my right shoulder is ACHING. I think I'm too tense when I run... and that's the hand I carry my phone in (if I'm running with it) so I'm probably squeezing it extra hard or something. My right ankle is also bitching today. I wish she would shut it. I've got better things to do than worry over her. Oh and my left foot. I've been rolling it over a freezing cold Coke I stole out of the work fridge all morning.... I should probably throw it away (or give it to Cory) when I'm done. <gross>
Speaking of the hubs...he celebrated a very special birthday last Friday. Happy Belated 25th Birthday to my wonderful husband! :) We went to eat with the family Friday night and this was Cory's meal:
Ho-ly Cow (pun intended)
Yep. Ate the whoooole thing :) You only turn 25 once!
In other news... it's almost Halloween!!! Me and Cory were invited to a costume party next weekend. I need some ideas for couples costumes...
I think we're going to be Burger King and Dairy Queen (Cory doesn't know this yet).
Have a great week!
PS- Even though my blogging skills are slack, I have been updating the workout page... try the newest arm workout. Did it this morning...and it is a struggle for me to be typing right now. You won't be sorry.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
“Contrary to what we usually believe…the BEST moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times. The best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.”
Monday, October 3, 2011
One Eight.
Hey friends! I hope you had a great weekend!
My weekend went by too fast and was pretty exhausting. Feels kind of good to be sitting down for a period longer than 2 secs. First things first...I know you're dying to hear my long run recap ;)
18 miles.
all I can say is, who AM I?!
I don't even know myself anymore.
Never in a trillion years would I have ever dreamed I could/would/attempt/want to run that far. I remember one time back in high school, senior year. I was in "Total Body" a class cheerleaders (and other athletes) were encouraged to take... basically PE on steriods... ok so no steriods, you get the idea. Anyway, we had to run twice a week on the track. We began gradually, adding a lap here and there until "test" day when girls were required to run a timed mile and a half. I remember the huffing and puffing, my heart flying and my brain begging me to quit. I made a deal with myself at that moment, if I could get through this, I would never make myself run again. EVER. This was my last PE class I'd ever have to take and after that, who could ever force me to run again? I loathed it.
Sort of funny now. Or ironic. But that's me, I guess. Tell me I can't, and I will. Tell me it hurts, I'll tell you it's fun. ...Told you I was weird.
So, back to Saturday. I woke up after a really hard sleep. The kind you have to really shake out of your system- must have been extra tired from the week. I got up and, as much as I'm embarrassed to say, turned on the Disney station of Pandora (don't worry- Cory has already left for work... he didn't get to witness this) and I danced around trying to wake up to "I wanna be like you" from the Jungle Book- don't lie, you woulda been shakin it too.
So, I get to our meeting point before the sun even shows it's face. It was blissfully crisp outside, mid 40's at 7am. This was the first time my whole marathon group was all able to run together- all 9 of us, for 3 hours straight. And I'm not kidding when I say this, get 9 women together, and there's a whole lot to talk about!
The first 4 miles flew by- this part is always my favorite. It's backroad country miles that stretch on- and pair that with a clear beautiful morning- it's breathtaking. The next several miles where into direct sunlight- either a blessing in disguise or a little bitch. I was forced to watch the ground the entire time because my eyes teared up whenever I looked forward. Lucky for me, it really made time fly and before I knew it, 8 miles were down. I remember my friend yelling out, at the sound of her beeping Garmin, "ONLY 10 TO GO!!" and that was comforting- as weird as that sounds. I've done 10 milers countless times. I put it in my head that I was just starting my run- the 8 that had already come and gone didn't exist. I had brand new fresh legs and only 10 miles to go. WOO HOO!
I took a Gu at mile 6, and a couple Chomps at mile 10, and 14. I probably could have taken a little more in towards the end, but with only 4 left I convinced myself I'd be okay...and I was, until then end of 17. It was a suprising feeling- part of me was bored and just wanted to be done, part of me was thrilled to pieces that I'd come this far, and part of me was wanting to die.
Typically, it's only my calves that burn during long runs, but Saturday, every muscle was screaming at the end. Like I said, I probably would have been better off taking in more fuel. I also didn't eat hardly any carbs Friday- a mistake I won't make again! (every little bit helps, right?) But, I was able to pick it up for the last mile, which is a great sign of a good pace.
---> Side note, if you find yourself running positive splits (ie getting slower as you progess), then your pace is too fast. You should be running at a pace comfortable enough that you have some ammo left in you to kick it up for the last part of the run, but not so much that you don't feel like you got a good workout <----
All 9 of us finished with huge smiles on our faces. This was the longest that 8 of us had ever ran before, and we got all sentimental and gushy... weird what Runner's High will do to a person.
I stretched, foam rolled, epsom salt bathed, and stretched some more. I was only minimally sore Sunday, which is awesome to me. Must be doing something right, I guess!
Saturday night, everyone from the running group- marathoners to C25K'ers met for dinner and drinks at City Tavern to celebrate our accomplishments so far. I got the Hummus Wrap (which had no hummus, bummer). But, it was really fun to see everyone outside of our sweaty clothes!
Sunday was another typical Sunday- cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry. The cool air gripped me in it's teeth and forced me to go shopping for fall decorations- I got a bunch of really cute things for the house! My favorite was definately the Apple Cider candle. Holy yum.
Hope everyone is enjoying this cool weather! Pray for it to stick around!! :) Have a great week!
My weekend went by too fast and was pretty exhausting. Feels kind of good to be sitting down for a period longer than 2 secs. First things first...I know you're dying to hear my long run recap ;)
18 miles.
all I can say is, who AM I?!
I don't even know myself anymore.
Never in a trillion years would I have ever dreamed I could/would/attempt/want to run that far. I remember one time back in high school, senior year. I was in "Total Body" a class cheerleaders (and other athletes) were encouraged to take... basically PE on steriods... ok so no steriods, you get the idea. Anyway, we had to run twice a week on the track. We began gradually, adding a lap here and there until "test" day when girls were required to run a timed mile and a half. I remember the huffing and puffing, my heart flying and my brain begging me to quit. I made a deal with myself at that moment, if I could get through this, I would never make myself run again. EVER. This was my last PE class I'd ever have to take and after that, who could ever force me to run again? I loathed it.
Sort of funny now. Or ironic. But that's me, I guess. Tell me I can't, and I will. Tell me it hurts, I'll tell you it's fun. ...Told you I was weird.
So, back to Saturday. I woke up after a really hard sleep. The kind you have to really shake out of your system- must have been extra tired from the week. I got up and, as much as I'm embarrassed to say, turned on the Disney station of Pandora (don't worry- Cory has already left for work... he didn't get to witness this) and I danced around trying to wake up to "I wanna be like you" from the Jungle Book- don't lie, you woulda been shakin it too.
So, I get to our meeting point before the sun even shows it's face. It was blissfully crisp outside, mid 40's at 7am. This was the first time my whole marathon group was all able to run together- all 9 of us, for 3 hours straight. And I'm not kidding when I say this, get 9 women together, and there's a whole lot to talk about!
Hello, morning. |
The first 4 miles flew by- this part is always my favorite. It's backroad country miles that stretch on- and pair that with a clear beautiful morning- it's breathtaking. The next several miles where into direct sunlight- either a blessing in disguise or a little bitch. I was forced to watch the ground the entire time because my eyes teared up whenever I looked forward. Lucky for me, it really made time fly and before I knew it, 8 miles were down. I remember my friend yelling out, at the sound of her beeping Garmin, "ONLY 10 TO GO!!" and that was comforting- as weird as that sounds. I've done 10 milers countless times. I put it in my head that I was just starting my run- the 8 that had already come and gone didn't exist. I had brand new fresh legs and only 10 miles to go. WOO HOO!
I took a Gu at mile 6, and a couple Chomps at mile 10, and 14. I probably could have taken a little more in towards the end, but with only 4 left I convinced myself I'd be okay...and I was, until then end of 17. It was a suprising feeling- part of me was bored and just wanted to be done, part of me was thrilled to pieces that I'd come this far, and part of me was wanting to die.
Typically, it's only my calves that burn during long runs, but Saturday, every muscle was screaming at the end. Like I said, I probably would have been better off taking in more fuel. I also didn't eat hardly any carbs Friday- a mistake I won't make again! (every little bit helps, right?) But, I was able to pick it up for the last mile, which is a great sign of a good pace.
---> Side note, if you find yourself running positive splits (ie getting slower as you progess), then your pace is too fast. You should be running at a pace comfortable enough that you have some ammo left in you to kick it up for the last part of the run, but not so much that you don't feel like you got a good workout <----
All 9 of us finished with huge smiles on our faces. This was the longest that 8 of us had ever ran before, and we got all sentimental and gushy... weird what Runner's High will do to a person.
I stretched, foam rolled, epsom salt bathed, and stretched some more. I was only minimally sore Sunday, which is awesome to me. Must be doing something right, I guess!
Saturday night, everyone from the running group- marathoners to C25K'ers met for dinner and drinks at City Tavern to celebrate our accomplishments so far. I got the Hummus Wrap (which had no hummus, bummer). But, it was really fun to see everyone outside of our sweaty clothes!
Sunday was another typical Sunday- cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry. The cool air gripped me in it's teeth and forced me to go shopping for fall decorations- I got a bunch of really cute things for the house! My favorite was definately the Apple Cider candle. Holy yum.
Hope everyone is enjoying this cool weather! Pray for it to stick around!! :) Have a great week!
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